Ethical Channel

The Quality Pay Systems S.L. Ethics and Compliance Channel is a confidential channel for raising questions or reporting possible breaches of the company Code of Ethics and Conduct, in complete confidentiality and without fear of retaliation. This service is available 24 hours a day.

What is a reporting channel?

A reporting channel is a tool whose purpose is to be a means of communication through which employees, collaborators, suppliers and others involved can send communications or complaints about risks or suspicions of irregular conduct and non-compliance with regulations. In this way, the responsible body will investigate them and, if necessary, adopt the appropriate preventive, corrective or sanctioning measures.

How to submit a complaint?

This channel is established to communicate the company's internal complaints or to disclose information corresponding to irregular conduct that may occur within the organization, such as; harassment, fraud, money laundering, among others.

According to the applicable regulations, an internal complaint is a verbal or written communication of information about infringements within a legal entity in the private or public sectors. In order to ensure the confidentiality and security of the complaints, in Quality Pay Systems as owner of the brand QpayPOS the management will be carried out in writing, through this web page, by means of the complaints channel Revealit.

For whom is it intended?

and third parties related to the company, through which it is possible to report any professional negligence and illicit and/or irregular or unethical conduct occurring within the organization. Quality Pay Systems Limited Society, y terceros relacionados con la empresa, a través del cual es posible denunciar cualquier negligencia profesional y conducta ilícita y/o irregular o contraria a la ética, que se produzca en el seno de la organización.

To ensure that each employee acts in accordance with the values for which the company stands, a set of principles and the correct procedure in which the leaders of the company deal with the different types of situations that are set out in the Code of Ethics.